Wait And See

If you do nothing, expect nothing in return.

There’s a mentality that bothers me – the mentality of “wait and see”, hoping for better but doing nothing to help yourself be better.

When my mood is out of whack – I’m tired, irritable, aloof, and unmotivated – I have a choice to feed into these emotions and let the loop continue, or I can reflect and find a path towards normalcy. The first path may eventually lead to normalcy, but along the way I’ll experience a lot of negativity, make dumb decisions, and possibly piss some people off. The latter option gives me more control in my next steps and can lead to normalcy much quicker.

When something in your life is not going how you’d like it, do something about it. You can’t expect positive results if you do nothing to produce positive results. Sitting around and waiting for better puts your odds of a better future and a worse one at 50/50. Honestly, the odds of a worse future are more likely. You may experience peaks along the way, but the troughs will be longer and continue to worsen.

If something isn’t going right it means there’s something you can be doing differently. There are habits you can change and choices you can make to produce different results.

It’s like the classic definition of insanity – doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results. If you continue committing the same bad habits, you will continue to receive the same negative results.

The same shitty food leads to the same shitty thoughts. The same bad attitude at work leads to the same negative interactions. Sitting on your phone for hours leads to no motivation. Inconsistent sleep leads to fatigue and unwanted emotions. Lack of exercise produces fat, drops in energy, and less desire to do anything.

Stop hoping for better. Stop waiting for different results. Stop wishing your thoughts were positive. Make a fucking change because what you’re doing now ain’t it.

September 28, 2022

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