Passion is an indefatigable desire to do. Passion is an unrelenting force that requires immediate action or else risks dispelling into regret. Passion is not something to be ignored, but to be noticed and acknowledged.
Passion is a word often used by ETT, both in podcasts and blogs. I realized I’ve never jumped into the idea of passion or what it means to me. Passion plays a large role in my life and in determining what I want to pursue, so I thought it’d be cool to explore it more.
My two main sources of fuel are caffeine and passion. They complement each other nicely. I sip my coffee, read, watch, or hear something that inspires me, and I let the caffeine and passion guide the way. Whether it be creating something like art, a blog, or a tik tok, or the desire to try something new like photography, learning a language, or picking up a new skill – my motivating factor is passion.
I’ve discovered that if my initial wave of passion isn’t acted on, it disappears. Sometimes it returns in the days to come, but it acts according to the Law of Diminishing Returns – slowly fading, getting smaller and smaller until there’s little to nothing left. Then I’m left wondering what could’ve happened and making excuses to justify my inaction.
I believe it’s more beneficial to act when passion arises than to hold off. It’s better to try something and let it play its course than to never try and live with regret. Not everything you try out of passion has to work out or become a daily practice, but it’s better to discover that through trying than inaction and formulation of results.
If you experience a passionate urge to try something, act on it as soon as possible and to whatever extent you can. Continue acting on it consistently for a period of time until it either naturally fades away or you discover you want it to become a part of your life. Say for instance you want to learn photography, you don’t have to buy all the expensive equipment in order to act. Find a friend who can teach you the basics and can maybe loan you their camera.
Think of passion as a desire to experiment, not a matter of success or failure. Each new thing you desire to try or learn is nothing more than a brief experiment that could become something awesome or something you determine isn’t for you. Either way, you win.
When passion arises, don’t ignore it. Act on it to some capacity before it fades and regret takes its place. Who knows, maybe you’ll discover something amazing.
July 6, 2022