Whatever You Can Muster

Do it to the capacity you can handle. If that means 10 minutes a day, do it. If that means 12 hours a day, do it. 

No matter what the habit is, perform it to whatever capacity you can muster. It doesn’t have to be much, it just has to be consistent. If you want to read more, pick up a book every day and read. It doesn’t matter if it’s one page or a hundred, just read every day. 

If you want to build a side hustle, put in a consistent effort. If that means putting in one hour after a long day at work, make it a productive hour. If that means spending your entire day off focused on it, brew up that coffee and get to work.

I think a lot of us have been trained to believe that if you’re not putting in 60 to 80 hours a week on a side gig, you’re wasting your time. We believe working out two hours every day and eating chicken, rice, and broccoli is the only way to a healthy life. Social media “entrepreneurs” and fitness gurus instill an all-or-nothing mentality into us. If you’re not fully investing every spare second into it, just quit.

My mindset is based on consistency and showing effort, to any extent. Every time I turn down my craving for Wendy’s (almost every day) I consider it a win. If I come home from work and want to relax, but I choose to do one simple task for ETT, I’m thrilled. 

If you can do just one thing a day, you’re winning. There’s no need to label it as “small” or “inconsequential”. You’re doing something, and that’s a hell of a lot more than most people are doing. 

Ignore the “experts” on social media. What they’re doing may work for them, but it doesn’t have to be your roadmap. You determine what you want to focus on then do whatever you can each and every day.

May 2, 2022

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