Wish For What Happens

“The task of a philosopher: we should bring our will into harmony with whatever happens, so that nothing happens against our will and nothing that we wish for fails to happen.” ~Epictetus

Imagine how simple life would be if you were able to wish for life to play out however it chooses and be grateful for it no matter what. There would be no anxiety or fears of the future and no regrets of the past, just acceptance of what is.

We can wish for life to unfold in certain ways – your speech goes well, your business runs smoothly, your family stays safe and healthy, etc. We can also wish for certain things not to happen – your partner breaks up with you, you lose all your money, your car breaks down, etc.

But when we wish for things to play out how we want and we enforce our will on them, we typically end up disappointed. When we hope for the good, the bad will one day come. When we hope for the bad not to come, it comes anyway.

So the test is wishing for exactly what happens and for anything that’s going to happen in the future. You don’t have to force anything, you don’t have to worry, and you don’t have to prepare. You have no idea what will happen, but you know that whatever does occur will be manageable.

All you’re required to do is be a good person and control what you can control. Respond to all life’s events with the intention of coming out stronger and better than before. When “good” things happen, be grateful. When “bad” things happen, be grateful.

Wishing and hoping causes unnecessary stress and anxiety. You have no control over events yet to come or those that have passed. Move forward, live with the moment you have now, and let life play out how it will. You’ll be ready for anything you encounter if your intention is to do good.

September 7, 2022

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