Year In Review

The format of this blog will be different than usual because today is no typical day – it is my birthday.

If you know me, you’ll know I really don’t enjoy birthdays. To some, this is a big one – 25 years old, a quarter of a century. To me, it’s simply another number.

My main podcast dude, Tim Ferriss talks about doing a Year In Review on New Year’s, but I wanted to do it on my birthday. So without further ado, here are some of the best and worst things of the past year, goals for this year, lessons learned, and thoughts as I turn one year older.

Pareto Principle – 80/20 Analysis on Happiness

The things that brought me the most joy – writing blogs, podcasting with young creatives, spending time with college friends, painting, making coffee

The 20% of things I could do without – mindlessly scrolling on Tik Tok, wasting time with arguments and debates, cooking.

Favorite moments from the past year:

Interview with The Kings of Nothing, trip to Lake George, trip to Chicago, my sister’s gift of Atlas Coffee, discussing life by the canal

Mistakes made or lessons learned:

Lift heavier weights! Don’t blindly follow the same procedure – see if there’s a better way, make time for your passions and hobbies every day, not posting enough on Tik Tok

Goals for 25

Start roasting my own coffee and building a community, hit 500 followers on Tik Tok and IG, paint outside and just paint more in general, move into my own apartment, make more friends in Rochester

Final Notes

A lot has changed in the past year and there’s a lot more to come. I’ve gained a clearer vision for where I’d like to go, I’ve built a more solid consistency routine, and I’m more comfortable being myself. My hope for the next year is to make more time for the activities that made me happiest in the past year, to spend less time doing things I’m not hyped about, see my friends more, and continue building ETT.

Taking action is the biggest thing I need to work on. Hesitation prevents me from pursuing things that would benefit me and put me closer to my dream, so I’d like to do some initial research then take some form of action, instead of overthinking and never doing.

To future Bryce, I hope you’re doing well. I hope you’re happy, well caffeinated, and closer to whatever goals you have in mind.

Six Nineteen! 2022

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