Year in Review – 26 Years Old

It’s been another year. I’m 26. Yay! I get to pay my own insurance now!

With the new year comes another year in review and goals for the year to come

Goals from 25

When I wrote this blog last year, my main goals were to start roasting and selling coffee, move into my own apartment, make new friends in Rochester, paint more, reach 500 tik tok and Instagram followers, and simply do more of the things I love while refraining from those I don’t.

So, how’d I do?

Pretty well overall! I have officially established ETT Coffee – I sent out 50 free samples, recently roasted a full batch and sold out my supplies, completed most of the LLC paperwork, and plan on consistently roasting and selling.

Current follower count for my ETT Coffee Tik Tok is 462, ETT Podcast is at 571, Instagram for coffee is 71, and podcast is 279. I severely neglected Instagram and focused more on Tik Tok, but not as much as I could’ve. I still hate social media with a passion but know it’s a beneficial tool.

Apartment – I did it! Genuinely didn’t think I would accomplish this goal, but once I started contacting places and going on tours, I applied and was approved for a studio in Rochester. As of writing this, I haven’t moved in yet and still have a lot of preparation to do.

Friends – I’ve been able to connect with some new people at work and even reconnect with old friends while also strengthening friendships with my group from college. I’ve made a couple gym buddies to switch up my routine of working out alone and I’m moving towards hanging out with people outside of work.

Painting – I didn’t paint a ton, but I did some. With my carpal tunnel surgery, I took and extended break and struggled to find motivation to get back into it. I was able to do a full left handed painting and recently completed two quick paintings of cherry blossoms and a Japanese vending machine. Still gotta paint this awesome yellow house I drive by all the time.

In terms of doing more of the things I love and less of what I don’t, I think I did pretty well. I’ve been more focused on writing, coffee, reading, and overall improvement. I believe I’ve improved my ability to refrain from arguments and gossip while also staying present and preventing frustration from getting the best of me.

80/20 Principle

The things that made me happiest in the past year: coffee, reading, friends, blogs, and time alone.

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed trying new coffees and brew methods, especially with regards to my own coffee business. It’s been awesome learning more about espresso at my job, practicing my craft, and building up my own business.

I’ve tried to keep up my reading habits with a goal of reading at least two books a month. I’ve continued exploring various topics of non-fiction and have focused mainly on the 1001 books list for fiction.

Weekends and trips with friends continue to be some of my favorite moments. I love the laid back nature of all our meetups where we can just be present, joke around, and have an amazing time.

While my blog writing has slowed, I was able to consistently write about a lot of topics and ideas this past year. I thoroughly enjoy putting my thoughts on paper and talking myself through tough times as well as stay humble during the highs.

Sitting outside and just having time to myself has been a wonderful addition to my routine. I love giving myself time to think without distraction or simply enjoy the sun.

Goals for 26

A new habit I’m building is carrying a notebook around, so instead of looking at my phone, I write ideas and lists down. I want to continue developing this habit of limiting my phone use and giving myself more time to think and focus without external distraction. Most of the time spent on my phone is wasted time, so I’d rather invest in beneficial habits and hobbies.

I’ve been reading more Stoicism recently and I want to continue doing so. It’s been great to read the ideas of philosophers from long ago and see how they view the world and manage obstacles. I feel a sense of calm and greater understanding when I read the Stoics, so I want to do more of that.

Right now, I’ve been working on presence and prevention of frustration. I’ve grown aware of my negative thoughts that lead to actions I regret. Simple inconveniences, mainly at work, cause my mood to sour and then I make choices I shouldn’t. I want to continue developing my presence, my awareness of the emotions I’m feeling, and the ability to think rationally no matter what the situation.

Lastly, my goal is to reach a point where I’m consistently roasting a batch or more of ETT Coffee every single month. I’d be thrilled to have 10 people signed up for monthly subscriptions and to continue building my brand and awareness. There’s a lot of work to be done with ETT Coffee, but it’s what I want to be doing and it’ll all be worth it.

To Future Bryce

I have no doubt you’re crushing it and continuing to improve every aspect of your life. I hope you’re loving living on your own, spending time with friends, meeting new ones, and doing what you love.

Remember to not be so hard on yourself. You can’t always do things perfectly, especially when you’re just starting out. Whatever you’re focusing on right now, know that if it’s meant to stick, it’ll do so naturally. Keep developing your Stoic nature and staying present and aware of your thoughts and actions.

I can’t wait to see how far you’ve come!

June 19, 2023

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