You Can Only Prepare So Much

Something I’ve learned from the ETT blog, podcast, and YouTube channel is that no amount of preparation could’ve prepared me for it all. There was no way I’d ever be able to know everything it would take to create the content.

I think this comes into play with practically anything. When you’re nervous to start something new, you try to work your way up to it. You read, watch videos about it, talk to others, and just learn as much as you can.

But there comes a point when the only thing left for you to do is start. 

No matter how much you plan before you start, there are always going to be obstacles you didn’t predict. There will always be new concepts and techniques you’ll have to learn.

When I started ETT, I did a lot of research, but nothing I read or watched gave me the same teachings as actually doing it. There was no way for me to predict everything I now know. Even the stuff I did prepare for was only a baseline level of knowledge compared to what it is now.

So if you want to try something new, prepare how you see fit. Learn as much as you can. Learn from the mistakes of others before you. But never let this preparation be the final step. Your purgatory. Where you’re constantly worrying about the next problem you could face.

No amount of planning can prepare you for everything. At some point, the only thing you can do is start. You’ll meet the obstacles you feared the most, but you’ll overcome them and keep pushing forward.

December 22, 2022

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