Never let someone else determine how you live your life. You choose your path and do what’s necessary to achieve everything you desire.
I haven’t been the happiest the past few months. I’ve been feeling burnt out and unproductive. I’ve been working a lot, putting in a lot of effort to be a good employee, but not investing in my own goals.
I’ve been letting other people choose my path for me and choosing not to do anything to change my situation.
You’re tired after work? Completely natural. The issue comes when you decide to let that feeling win. Do you come home and lie around or do you work on your passion project? The first choice is letting other people win. The second is deciding you’re going to win.
The society we live in requires hard work and it’s typically work for someone else. Life gets in the way, we all have responsibilities. The key to feeling better about where you are is this: never forget to focus on yourself. No matter what, do something every day to better yourself and work towards your goals.
Write something, paint, make content, read, build your business, etc. Do something for yourself and never let someone else determine what your life looks like.
August 15, 2024