You Choose What You Suffer Through

We choose the things we suffer through.

We decide what we believe is worth the struggle.

All good things come with bad. All bad things can come with good. We decide which we want in our lives. With life comes suffering. Without it, we’d never be challenged and forced to grow stronger.

When you choose to get into a relationship, you choose to take on the struggles that come with it. The disagreements, the baggage that person brings, and the possible separation between you two.

When you choose to adopt an animal, you also choose to live with the bad. The clean-ups, the early wakeup barks or meows, and the eventual loss of your furry friend.

When you choose the path of entrepreneurship, you choose the hardships. The late nights, long hours, rude comments, and possible failure.

Everything good comes with things we don’t want to deal with, but are required to. We can’t assume it will be smooth sailing.

You know what you’re capable of working through. You know your limits and what’s worth overcoming to reap the benefits.

When you make big life decisions, don’t forget to consider the hardships you’ll inevitably face. Go over all the good and all the bad. Then make the decision to move forward or reconsider.

You choose what you’re willing to suffer through. Don’t suffer through anything you know you can’t handle.

December 1, 2021

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