
You’re So Good Lookin’

Listen, I don’t say “Bless you” when someone sneezes. I feel confident that aloofness is the gold standard for Control Dramas (HERE). I see gossip as a waste of time.

You won’t and don’t have to agree with my habits and values. I won’t agree with all of yours. This fact shouldn’t be the cause of tension and arguments.

Just because something works for you doesn’t mean it will work for them. Just because your worldview and mindset feels top tier to you, doesn’t mean they’re correct or best practice.

The majority of us will agree that there are mindsets and actions that don’t benefit society in the slightest. I’m talking about the pebbles here, not the boulders. I’m talking about the bless you’s, the diets, the cleanliness practices, and the other habits and values with less grand scheme impact.

Forcing your practices onto others as though they’re the benchmark for human nature doesn’t lead to progress. Acting as though your habits are the best of the best and not allowing for any external opinions doesn’t allow any growth to occur.

Be open to alternate opinions. Accept other people’s responses to similar situations. Understand that other people feel as strongly about their values as you feel about yours.

We’re all trying to make sense of the world. We all form habits based on our environment and our brain’s need to survive. We won’t all see the world and interact with it in the same ways. So don’t force anything on anyone. Let everyone figure this shit out as they see fit and offer suggestions if they ask.

February 2, 2022

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