Scheduling Productivity

Schedule your day around your own productivity. Accomplish everything every day whenever it feels best for you to do so.

For some, peak productivity occurs in the morning. For others it’s in the afternoon or even late at night. Whichever feels right for you, schedule your day around that.

My prime time to work on ETT is in the morning. Right after the coffee is poured, the laptop is opened, and the ideas start flowing. Usually when the afternoon hits and I’ve eaten lunch, my inspiration falters and I’d rather relax and not think.

In discovering this, I’ve been trying to build a routine around my peak productivity time range. I’ve started waking up early, going straight to the gym, getting ready, then starting my passion project work (if my job schedule allows). By doing this, I’m able to accomplish a lot of my goals for the day so that when the afternoon rolls around, I don’t have to worry about being lazy if I want.

I love getting everything done right away, but you may not. You may thrive later in the day or maybe you don’t yet know when you work best. It can be immensely beneficial to determine your productivity window so you can build around it. Figure out that range of time when you feel most motivated and creative and use it to your advantage.

When you know this period of time and you try being productive when it arrives, you won’t feel like you’re being lazy and wasting time the rest of the day. You’ll realize it’s simply not the best time for you to work.

No matter what the time of day, don’t neglect it – use it to your advantage. Schedule all the routine tasks and life’s fluff around this window. Run errands, go to the gym, meal prep, and everything else before or after your productivity window. When your window opens, get to work.

Don’t let the opportunity pass you by if you know you can create something great. Do as much or as little as you can muster when you’re most fit to do so. Your goals and passion projects are important and deserve time. So find the time to work on them and let life build around it.

September 12, 2022

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