The Simple Fix

It’s not sexy. It’s rarely easy. But more often than not, it works.

It would be wonderful if getting in shape, eating well, building a strong mindset, and all things self improvement were easy to accomplish. Unfortunately, that is rarely, if ever the case.

I think when people ask “How do you stay fit?” “How did you become successful?” “How did you overcome your anxiety/depression?”, etc. they secretly hope you tell them something super simple. They’d love for you to tell them you only do 10 push ups a day, you meditate 5 minutes a week, you started a business and made millions overnight – quick, painless, sexy answers.

We all know the answers to these questions, but we would rather ignore them because it takes too much work to do all those things. It’s too difficult to go to the gym every day, count calories, work consistently on a passion project, meditate, get proper amounts of sleep and sunlight every day, and on and on.

If you want to improve an aspect of your life, you have to work on it. You cannot simply do the bare minimum and expect astounding results. You cannot take a pill and expect symptoms to go away forever. You cannot expect desired results to occur with little or no effort.

You know exactly what it takes to achieve your goals. You know the means to reaching that vision are not sexy, nor are they easy, but they work nine times out of ten. So create a plan to start implementing the necessary work into your daily life then act on it.

September 21, 2022

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