
Crying In A Lambo

“Money only marginally changes life. It doesn’t solve the problems that people without it seem to think it will. In fact, no material possession will. External things can’t fix internal issues.” ~ Ryan Holiday

The only problems money solves are money problems. Money doesn’t mend relationships, cure depression, or give your life purpose and meaning.

Yes, money is necessary. Without it, we don’t have shelter, food, or other essentials.

But money doesn’t solve inner turmoil. No amount of money in the bank will make you happy if you haven’t taken the time to find what fills you with joy. 

If you’re waking up every morning, dreading the day ahead, trudging into a job you hate, dealing with people you can’t stand, how does money fix that?

If you haven’t taken the time to discover your passions, to try new hobbies and learn new things, what are you going to spend all that money on?

You have to figure out the shit that’s running through your head. You gotta work on yourself, mind, body, and spirit. 

Don’t wait until you have money to start working on improving your life. Don’t think of money as the prescription for your life’s ailments.

Money only solves money problems. You solve everything else.

March 4, 2022

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