Life Is A Workout

As I lie on the bench, dumbbells clenched in my fists, sweat forming on my face and palms, I feel ready to quit. I tell myself “I’ll just do 3 sets instead of 4” or I plan on skipping the last exercise all together.

But then I remind myself that once this workout is complete, the pain, sweat, and exhaustion will all fade away and I’ll think “I’m glad I got that workout in.” So instead of leaving early, I stick with it and finish the workout.

To turn this into a metaphor, this is kinda how life works. At least, this is how I view a lot of things in my own life.

Each struggle I face, every obstacle that stands between me and my goal, and each moment I’d rather not deal with, they all come to an end. The pain and frustration subside and I’m left better off on the other side.

My struggle to find my path after college has led me to this incredible journey of self improvement, self awareness, and focus. I’ve discovered new passions in podcasting, blogging, coffee, and art. All those fears and negative thoughts came to pass and I’m left feeling better than ever.

Those moments when I feel tired, impatient, or aloof, they all come and go. They suck while I’m going through them, but afterwards I’m left with ideas on how I can prevent future occurrences and possible blog ideas. 

With life comes struggles. There will always be moments you don’t want to experience, interactions you don’t want to have, anxieties you don’t want to weigh on your mind, and obstacles you’ll wish could be quick, easy fixes. All these are inevitable, but each of us has the power to learn from them and come out stronger.

Just like a muscle needs to tear in order to regrow bigger and stronger, you need to face life and all its tests if you want to be better. You don’t stumble into success, knowledge, passion, or mental fortitude. You reach those traits by sticking through the workout, no matter how tired and sweaty you are.

Push through the pain and know that the person who comes out on the other side will be stronger, tougher, and better.

May 16, 2022

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