Consistently Boring

“The fearless types in history inevitably display in their lives a higher tolerance than most of us for repetitive, boring tasks.”

How willing are you to do the same thing over and over again with little to no results? Do you want something bad enough to stay consistent and do the repetitive, boring tasks?

I talk a lot about consistency and effort over the long-term timeline, so when I saw this quote in The 50th Law by Robert Greene, I was inspired to write.

An issue we face with social media is not seeing the consistent effort a person puts in before reaching a large following. No one really watched Gary Vaynerchuk the first ten years he posted on socials. No one read Mark Manson’s blogs when he first started. There are countless examples of musicians, entrepreneurs, bloggers, artists, and speakers who now have millions of followers, but once had nothing.

We rarely witness the beginning of their fame. It’s rare to read their first blog, hear their first single, admire their first painting. By the time we discover these people, they’re well established, successful, and fountains of knowledge. Because we discover them so late, we forget they once started at zero.

This is one of the reasons I love interviewing small artists, musicians, and creatives. I love finding the people who are clearly doing something because they love it and not because they want money. These small accounts are putting in the effort every day and trying their best to hit those numbers our idols hold. 

The real test of desire is your willingness to stay consistent when no one is watching. Success doesn’t happen overnight, even if social media makes it look like it does. A successful blog comes from writing hundreds. A career in music comes from producing tons of songs. A thriving business stems from immense behind-the-scenes work.

It will be boring some days. You’ll question why you’re doing something when no one is witnessing your effort. Do you have the strength, determination, and vision to work through those times? If you do, you’re on the right track towards reaching your dreams.

May 27, 2022

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