So you’ve been working on a passion project for some time now, but you aren’t seeing the results you had hoped for. Is it time to quit, or should you keep going?
The question of quitting versus sticking with the project is a difficult one to answer. You are the only person who knows the answer and can make the choice for your own journey.
Here’s how I look at it:
With ETT specifically, it’s been just under 2.5 years since I started. My following isn’t large, I don’t have a ton of listeners or readers, and my tik toks don’t receive much interaction. So I ask myself, “Is it worth it to keep going, or should I stop now?”
The answer for me is to keep going. The motivating factor? I still love doing all that’s involved in building this brand. Not a day goes by where I don’t come up with an idea for a blog, a helpful tik tok, or a possible new direction for the podcast. I’m still learning and still growing, so why would I want to stop?
I think one of the keys is whether or not you’re forcing it. When the feeling switches from passion and enjoyment to something like greed, resentment, or obligation, it may be time to take a step back. When it no longer feels like you’re doing something because you want to or the creativity ceases to flow naturally, you should consider your options.
There’s nothing wrong with dropping the passion project or hobby and moving on. There’s no need to fear the response of others because their opinions hold no weight. You know what’s best for you. Your gut, your logic, and your self-awareness will guide you in the right direction.
It’s unnecessary to continue something you don’t enjoy simply because you’re making money. There’s no reason to fear losing your followers if your brand pivots. You can rest assured, if you decide to move on, the world will as well.
Life is too short to stick with something that does nothing more than eat away at your time and energy. If it no longer flows naturally, if it no longer excites you, ask yourself “Do I want to keep doing this?”
July 8, 2022