Dealing With Loss

There are a lot of clichés I could say, but it won’t be anything you haven’t already heard a thousand times. 

When we lose someone important to us, we realize how true all the cliches are. How we should’ve cherished our time together more. We should’ve said we loved them more often. We should’ve been more patient with them. Should’ve realized sooner how important they were and how much we need them in our life.

Losing someone sucks. It leaves you empty and lost. You’re left trying to figure out how you’re supposed to move on while realizing just how big a role they played in your life. You’re left questioning what you could’ve done differently and what you would do if you have one more day.

You don’t want these thoughts. You know they’re irrational. You know you can’t change anything you’ve done and you won’t have another opportunity to say “goodbye” or “I love you”.

So what can you do? 

You can apply what you’ve learned to your other relationships. You can change how you treat all the people you’re lucky to have in your life. You can realize that one day, you’ll lose this person, that friend, that family member, that pet. 

When you realize that, you can do everything in your power to live without regret. To say everything you want to say to that person. Give them all the hugs they deserve. Have all the conversations and fun times you possibly can.

When the day comes that someone important to you is no longer around, you’ll want to know you did everything you could to show how much they meant to you.

Don’t waste a minute with the people you love.

November 22, 2021

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