Demand The Best For Yourself 

“How long are you going to wait before you demand the best for yourself?” ~Epictetus

This quote has been cycling through my head the past few months. It’s no secret I want to own a coffee business. There’s no doubt pursuing the venture to any extent would benefit my life immeasurably. Even though I can conceptualize this fact, I’ve been terrified to take action.

But, I finally did – I took the first step in achieving my goal of owning a coffee business. This past week, I purchased a sample coffee roaster, green coffee beans, and other supplies to start roasting my own coffee. On top of that, I’ve been slowly growing a list of coffee lovers who are interested in trying free samples of my coffee once I’m confident in my roasting abilities.

What about you? Are you doing what you need to in order to make the most of your life? Have you been demanding the best for yourself or have you been making excuses and letting life pass you by?

It’s easy to wish we could be healthier, more productive, happier, and more passionate about where our life is headed. Conceptualizing the actions we should be taking comes easy, actually doing those things is not.

There is no way for me to flip the switch in your brain that makes you demand the best for yourself. I do not have the power to motivate you to workout, to eat healthier foods, form consistent habits around a passion project, or anything else that would make your life “better” in your eyes. 

You are the only person who has the power to demand the best for yourself.

In my scenario, the flip of the switch came after months of excuses, over-preparation, and anxiety until eventually – with some caffeine – I said “Fuck it” and took the chance. Now the only thing for me to do is continue down this path, taking one step at a time.

It doesn’t take much to make a change in your own life. You know what is best for you and you know what you can do to get there. Instead of thinking about it, figure out the smallest, simplest action you can take right now. Do one thing that puts you closer to the goal. Do one thing to break the routine you’ve fallen into.

Start demanding more for yourself. Take the hopes and dreams you have and do whatever you can to turn them into a reality.

August 12, 2022

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