Don’t Fix the Sink, Fix the Well.

This is a quote by, you guessed it, Gary Vaynerchuk. I think about it a lot.

Another way you’ve probably heard this statement is “Don’t fix the symptom, fix the cause of the problem.”

We like quick, easy solutions.

Have a headache? Take an aspirin.

Stressed as hell? Smoke some weed.

Want to lose weight? Go on a juice cleanse for a week.

The problem with doing this is that we never solve the true issue at hand. We simply postpone it from happening again.

You can get all the surgeries you can afford, but if you don’t change your diet and form healthy habits, you won’t feel any better.

You can go on all the fad diets you want, but if you don’t become someone who loves health and fitness, you won’t lose weight and keep it off long-term.

You can distract yourself from your anxiety attacks and depressive days, but if you don’t find a way to change your mindset through meditation, philosophy, or other means, you’ll never escape your own mind.

Stop using quick fixes. Stop wrapping duct tape around the leaky pipe. Stop hoping this time will be the last and all will be better afterwards.

Fix the root of the problem. Look deeply inside yourself and figure out what’s actually causing your pain. Once you find it, do what needs to be done.

Change your mindset, your habits, your environment. Change whatever you need to change to create actual long-term benefits. Don’t simply choose another temporary fix.

November 15, 2021

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