“Funny the Way it is”

There’s a song by the Dave Matthews band called “Funny the Way it is” and it slaps. That part is obvious and not what I want to talk about. I want to talk about how the song hit me hard with thoughts while I was at work.

All it took was a fire truck driving by and immediately I thought, “Someone’s house is burning down on a day like this.”

It was this sudden realization that someone out there is having a horrible day right now. Somebody’s whole life is being uprooted and I’m here complaining to myself about scooping ice cream?

I often find myself complaining about mundane tasks. I find myself getting mad at trivial matters. I rarely take the time to consider how lucky I am.

Every day, there’s someone out there going through something terrible. Wishing they could be dealing with the things I am. There are people out there who’s entire life just flipped upside down and there was nothing they could’ve done.

While I’m complaining to myself about having to wash dishes, someone just lost a loved one. While I get pissed off at the gym because I can’t do exercises normally, someone just got in an accident.

You have every right to be upset by things. To complain to yourself and wish for better. But you can’t let it overwhelm your life and thoughts. 

Just because someone else has it worse, doesn’t mean your struggles and emotions aren’t justified. But it’s good to remember that there are people out there going through a lot right now. It’s good to realize that even though this may suck right now, it could be worse.

So complain if you want. Blow off some steam. Be aloof. But don’t do it excessively. Let it out and get back to your life and be thankful for where you’re at.

October 13, 2021

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