Overcoming Emotional Blocks in Self-Improvement

Why is overcoming emotional blocks so difficult on a personal level, but not on an objective one? Why is it so easy to help others, but so difficult to help myself?

Why am I able to be objective and Stoic with the obstacles of others? When they come to me for advice, I can stay calm, patient, and rational. When it comes to dealing with my own problems though, it’s a different story.

Even when I consider my mistakes, obstacles I’ve overcome, or hiccups I’ll likely face in the future, I can do so with a sound mind. It’s when I’m actually going through the shit that all hell breaks loose and I lose all logic. What makes these moments different and so challenging to reason through?

Working in the kitchen brings out the worst in me. I grow annoyed, aloof, temperamental, and don’t perform well. My brain runs through all the Stoic advice, blog posts, and mindfulness practices in an attempt to work through the negativity. It rarely works. I know how to deal with the situation and yet, I can’t. No amount of reminders to stay present or look at the bright side can switch my emotional brain off.

This is my present focus in my self improvement journey. My ego is likely the cause of my frustration. Something is preventing me from being objective and logical simply because it’s happening to me and not someone else. Am I expecting too much? Is there a deeper concern at play?

I’m in search of practices, a go-to response for overcoming emotional blocks. Something that nips the negativity in the bud. I’m not sure how this will play out, but we’ll check back in when the time arises.

April 28, 2023

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