Robot Barista – A Lesson On Taking Things Too Seriously

Have you ever been threatened to be replaced by a machine? A robot that can do your job just as well as you? Well, I am right now! The robot barista is coming for me…

There’s a trial run happening where they’re replacing the store’s coffee shop with a machine that makes all the drinks with the touch of a button. If they find it’s more cost-effective… bye-bye Barista Bryce! So does this freak me out? What does this mean for my long-term goals of owning a coffee shop?

To be honest, I’m not too concerned. In part, that’s because I have a second job to fall back on should my store opt for the robot barista. On top of that, I believe there will always be a demand for human baristas – the interaction you receive in the morning when you get your coffee. Sure, some people just want efficiency so they can caffeinate quickly, but others love the people involved.

This possibility of a Coffee Coup is teaching me to just enjoy what I have now. Who cares if my schedule sucks this week, if it’s ridiculously busy, if one person is rude, or if anything goes wrong? Why take this so seriously when in the end, what I’ll miss most is the good things.

If this particular job goes robotic, then so be it! Looking back, I won’t think of the trivial grievances I once had. I’m going to miss the regulars, the happiness people have when I remember their order, all the employees who stop by, and my coworkers.

You never know what the future holds for your life. One day you may be replaced by a robot, so try to take things a little less seriously today.

January 6, 2023

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