Temperance – Enjoy Unhealthy Foods More by Not Eating Them

When you understand that the things you put in your body become your fuel and building blocks of your being, temperance becomes easier.

Of the four Stoic virtues, I think I practice and understand Temperance the best. Temperance is all about self-control and being able to turn down short-term gains and pleasures.

They say “You are what you eat”, but I don’t think we truly take this to heart. You are quite literally built by the food and drinks you put into your body. Everything you consume is broken down to it’s components and used to build more cells and fuel your days. Do you want to be thrive on grease or vegetables?

I’m not here to say I’m the healthiest person because I’m not. I do try, however, to make healthy choices and practice temperance. Through my self-awareness journey, I’ve paid attention to how foods and drinks affect my mind and body. From doing this over the past few years, abstaining from certain things has become easier.

My college years were full of not so healthy foods and of course alcohol. Throughout those years, I didn’t think I felt unhealthy. I got hangovers and stomachaches from eating too much, but I figured that was normal. It wasn’t until attempting veganism that I discovered how great food can make you feel.

To keep it short and simple, good food makes you feel good. You’ll feel light, alert, and energized. When you’ve experienced that for a bit then go back to old ways, you notice the difference quickly. In doing this, it’s easier to refrain from the things that make me feel like shit.

Temperance at this stage of my life is drinking alcohol once every few weeks. It’s eating mostly vegan, with some cheat meals and snacks. Temperance is going to bed and waking up early even on days off. I try straying away from the habits that I know lead to my feeling shitty but I enjoy those things here and there. Then when I do and inevitably feel awful after, it’s easy to go back to healthier habits.

Fuel your body with what it needs to thrive. Determine the foods that make you feel great and throw away those that do the opposite. Refrain from alcohol and choose water just to realize how you can feel when fully hydrated. Once you know what makes you feel your best, it’s easy to stay away from the things that don’t, but it’s also possible to still enjoy them.

February 24, 2023

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