The Show Must Go On.

My cat passed away and I’m feeling a little lost. I’m hearing him every time I’m in the kitchen, seeing him in all his favorite spots, and missing the warmth of his fur as I pet him.

Losing him hurts. It’s left me to realize how much of my life at home involved him. From feeding him first thing in the morning, to cooking with him by my feet, to petting him and saying goodnight.

All of that is gone now and I don’t know what to do.

All I can do is push forward. Keep doing all the work that needs to be done. Keep living my life one day at a time.

It’s going to be rough. There are going to be a lot of moments filled with sadness. There are going to be feelings of longing and of noticing his absence.

But the show must go on. Life has to keep on moving. 

You’re allowed to be sad. You’re supposed to miss him. If we never lost anyone, we wouldn’t realize how much we loved them.

But you can’t let emotions stop you from living. They can’t stop you from moving forward. You can’t stop working on yourself, learning, trying, or improving. You have to overcome days like these to reach your true potential.

Keep on going. Keep on living. Step by step. Day by day.

November 17, 2021

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