You Never Regret the Workout

You never regret the workout. You only regret the times you chose not to do the work.

It’s happened to all of us – we wake up, we’re tired, cranky, and don’t want to go to the gym. We decide to go back to sleep, only to wake up more fatigued and later regretting our laziness. “Why didn’t I just go to the gym?!” you ask yourself.

This happened to me this morning, but while coming up with excuses, I realized where this would lead. None of my excuses were enough to justify skipping the gym and I knew that if I went, I’d be happy I did. So I went and that’s what happened.

You never regret going to the gym. It feels good and you know you’re doing something to improve your health and wellbeing. It’s the same with most, if not all your habits. It’s hard to regret something you know is beneficial. The struggle is overcoming the excuses you tell yourself before acting.

When you make the healthy choices for long enough, you start realizing how doing the opposite makes you feel less than ideal. The healthy choice becomes easier because the alternative leads to poor thoughts, lower energy, bloating, and so many other negatives. It takes realizing this to discover how hard it is to regret making good choices.

You may say, “Damn, I wish I had eaten that pizza. It looked so good!” or “I could’ve done work instead of going to the gym.” but you’ll still be glad you made the choice you did. You’d later regret eating another slice of pizza, skipping the gym again, watching another episode of TV, whatever. You can still do these things, but you have to do the healthy shit first.

Schedule your gym time, eat your healthy foods, do your passionate work, read your 10 pages, do all the good shit. Only after that can you consider doing the alternative. It’s likely you won’t want to do those things because you already feel so energized and productive.

You never regret the workout. You will not regret doing the tough work and making the healthy choice. Regret comes when you don’t do it. Overcome your excuses and realize how much better you’ll feel once you complete the task.

April 21, 2023

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